Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Last Day

1) I learned a lot from this photography class. To be honest most of the stuff to do with the camera I already knew for the most part. Something that I learned and was super helpful was using photoshop, a very useful skill that I needed to learn but had no one to teach me. Another thing that I learned that was cool was the whole film part of photography. Now it wasn't my favorite part, but I definitely think it is a very good thing to learn and it showed me where photography has come from.

2)I learned about myself about what my strengths and weakness's are and also what I enjoy the most. Some of the projects my photos didn't go so well and I struggled, but looking ahead I would see projects that I knew I would exceed at. I learned that the more and more projects we had and the more and more photo's I needed to take the more I enjoyed taking photos. Now I take my camera every where regardless of where I'm going because I've learned to genuinely enjoy photography.

3)I wasn't a big fan of the darkroom, yes I do believe that it is an important part though, but we are in the 21st century everything has moved to digital. I wish we maybe had some project to do with landscape or like a scenery project or something like that. With the landscape photos in my opinion its everywhere and its what the photographer themselves find beautiful. Don't get me wrong and all I loved taking portraits, but you can control that person, you can't control whether or not they will be willing to pose or just sit there.

4)My biggest struggle was probably the light project. I don't know why but some photos turned out good and others not at all. I just couldn't make everything all work with the aperture and shutter speed and the light itself. I learned though after taking many photos I eventually learned which is the great part about digital photography. Time is on your side you can sit somewhere and take a million photos until you get that one perfect one.

5)I conquered just being able to look places and imagine a photo. Thats why I carry my camera now, if I just see something magnificent with my eyes I just pull out the camera and snap if it looks great the fantastic I now have this amazing photo if not I just move on which is the great part about photography. I can guarantee that a great photographer could take an amazing image in a non-amazing place. Its what you see and what you find beautiful, everyone thinks different you may think one girl is attractive someone else might think she's ugly, but thats okay we are humans with different brains and that is why photography is so precious

Monday, January 14, 2013



This project taught me a lot of things. It taught me a better way to take photos and a more artistic way of doing them. I learned things with silioutes and lights just in general. I learned how to use different lights to get different images. Not just that, but now you learn how to look at things through a different perspective especially light.